
1. Look at the picture and talk about it.

2. Answer the questions and discuss your answers with the teacher.

  • What are schools like in your country? Please explain.

  • Do you agree or disagree? Math and science are the most important subjects in school.

  • Do you agree or disagree? Being a student is a full-time job. Please explain.

  • Is there a particular subject you find very easy? Why is it so easy?

  • Is there a particular subject you find very difficult, even if you study hard? Why is it so difficult?

  • What subject do/did you like the most at school? Why?

  • What subject do/did you like the least at school? Why?

  • Do you think that all students should learn a foreign language? Why/not?

  • How important is college (university)? Why do you think so?

  • How important is continuing education for adults? Why do you think so?

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