
1. Look at the picture and talk about it.

2. Answer the questions and discuss your answers with the teacher.

  • What do you want to do/be in the future? Why?

  • What would you like to change about your life? Why would you like to change this?

  • What were the best years of your life? (Or do you think the best years are in the future?) Why do you think so?

  • What is the best memory of your life? How about the worst? What makes these memories so good or so bad?

  • Would you want to change when you were born, such as in a different era? Why/not?

  • Would you want to change where you were born, such as in a different country?

  • Rate your life on a scale from one to ten. Ten is the highest rating, and means your life is perfect. One is the lowest rating, and means that your life is terrible. Now answer this question: Why did you give this rating to your life?

  • Are you an ambitious person? Why do/don't you think so?

  • Are you a friendly person? Why do/don't you think so?

  • Are you an (adjective of your choice) person? Why do/don't you think so?

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