Exotic Animal Kingdom

Activity 1.

Listen to the file.

Exotic Animal Kingdom

Activity 2.

Listening Comprehension. Answer the following questions.

1. Where was the boy's bearded dragon born?
A. in Australia
B. in the US
C. We don't know.

2. What word best describes the temperament of a bearded dragon?
A. gentle
B. hyperactive
C. aggressive

3. Based on the interview, which sentence best describes the diet of a bearded dragon?
A. Bearded dragons are mainly carnivores.
B. Their diet is limited to greens and vegetables.
C. You can add vitamin or mineral supplements to their diet.

4. According to the information provided, what can be said about how bearded dragons obtain water in the wild?
A. They drink the dew that condenses on plants.
B. They carry and store rain water in their mouths.
C. They extract water from the things they ingest.

5. From the choices below, what can be inferred about the best lighting scenario for a bearded dragon in captivity?
A. a completely glassed-enclosed aquarium with occasional sunlight
B. an inside enclosure with a UV light and basking lamp
C. a heating rock and a basking lamp in an aquarium

Activity 3.

Listening to Details. Listen to the file for the last time and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Program Host: Hi and welcome to our new show, Exotic Animal Kingdom, a program (1)toward introducing animals to the young and old. In today's show, our young, but experienced, guest will introduce us to the fantastic world of bearded dragons. Welcome, Joshua. [Thank you very much.] Now, Joshua, I must admit that a beard dragon sounds something like out of a fantasy book. What exactly is a bearded dragon?

Guest: Well, here. Why don't you hold on to Bert, [Oh . . . Wow! Okay.] while I talk about him. [Okay] Bearded dragons actually (2) from the deserts of Australia, and this is one of several species that survived in that climate. Today, beardies like this one are (3) in captivity here in the US.

Program Host: Okay. And, so what are some of the essential things to know when getting a bearded dragon? I mean, can you raise one as a family pet?

Guest: Bearded dragons make a great family pet and are very docile (4).

Program Host: Yeah, he seems quite friendly.

Guest: You just need to know how to care for them.

Program Host: Well, what are some of the things you should keep in mind?

Guest: First, you need to have to the right supplies: some kind of (5) . . .

Program Host: Like, like a cage or something like that.

Guest: Yeah. [Okay] A full spectrum fluorescent light (6) and a basking lamp [Okay] , branches and rocks to climb on and bask on, a food or water dish, and something to line bottom of the cage.

Program Host: Okay, well, let's get down to some the basics. What are the (7) needs of a bearded dragon? It sounds like a very carnivorous beast. Perhaps, uh, they eat fiery Mexican tacos or something like that.

Guest: No, bearded dragons are omnivores. . .

Program Host: Now, Omnivores? What exactly is that?

Guest: Uh, creatures that eat insects, vegetable, and greens, the (8) parts of plants and their stems.

Program Host: Okay. You mean something, for example, like carrots or something like that. [Yeah] Okay.

Guest: Young dragons like Bert can be fed small crickets twice a day, along with some greens and (9) vegetables. [Okay.] And then as your dragon grows, you can increase the amount of greens and vegetables. [Alright.] And you can also (10) the vegetables and insects with a calcium supplement to promote bone growth.

Program Host: Okay, and what about water? Uh, what kind of needs do they have for that?

Guest: Well, since bearded dragons traditionally live in arid regions, they obtain most of their water naturally from what they eat, so you have to be sure to feed them plenty of vegetables that serve as good carriers of water. [Okay.] You also spray them occasionally with a water bottle or provide them with a shallow water dish. Whatever you do, but sure to keep the cage dry, [Okay.] or else mold and bacteria can grow that could make your dragon sick.

Guest: [Okay.], and finally, you mentioned about lighting earlier. What do you need exactly to keep your beardedie happy and healthy?

Guest: Having a full spectrum light and basking lamp are pretty key to raising healthy beardedies. First, they need the simulated sunlight from the ultraviolet (UV) bulb . . .

Program Host: Now, is that the full spectrum light that you mentioned? Okay.

Guest: . . . to absorb rays [Okay.], vital to the production of certain vitamins, [Okay.] and the high body temperatures of a basking light to aid in the digestive process.

Program Host: Now, what kinds of temperatures are you referring to when you talk about the basking area?

Guest: Like ninety to a hundred degrees.

Program Host: Okay, and I don't think they need sun tan lotion, right? [No].

Program Host: Okay, uh, so, perhaps then I could put my beardedie in an aquarium and just set him by the window which gets direct sunlight?

Guest: Well, actually, you can even take them outside two or three times a week in the direct sunlight; however, putting them in a glass aquarium with exposure to sunlight won't be viewed as a replacement for direct light or a UV bulb because the glass only filters out the sunlight they need.

Program Host: Wow! I didn't know there was so much to know about raising a pet like that. Well, thanks very much for joining us today, Joshua.

Guest: My pleasure.

Activity 4

Vocabulary. Read and study the following words.

  • originate (verb): start or come from)
    - From which region in Australia did the bearded dragons originate?

  • essential (adjective): necessary or required)
    - Feeding your animals a healthy diet is essential to .

  • raise (verb): bring up)
    - You should read some books before you raise bearded dragons.

  • docile (adjective): gentle
    - Some kinds of lizards are very docile and are easy to handle.

  • bask (verb): be exposed to, for example, sunlight
    - Some reptiles like to bask in direct sunlight to control their body temperatures.

  • promote (verb): encourage, contribute to, or further
    - A healthy diet is one factor in promoting growth in all living things.

  • arid (adjective): dry
    - These kinds of lizards tend to live in arid parts of the country.

  • occasionally (adverb): from time to time
    - There are a number of animals that occasionally go without eating for long periods of time.

  • mention (verb): make reference to, cite
    - This book often mentions the importance of keeping your pet's cage clean to maintain a healthy living environment.

  • vital (adjective): critical or important
    - It is extremely vital that pet owners give their animals clean water every day.

Activity 5.

Discussion. Answer the following questions related to the conversation.

  • What are some common and exotic animals people keep as pets?
  • What pet would be ideal for different types of people and situations, including children, people who live in apartments, and the elderly?

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