Activity 1.

Do this before the class. Watch the video.

Activity 2.

Oral Reading. Practice the script with your teacher.

LORELAI: Oh, sure. What book was it?

RORY: Mencken's "Chrestomathy"

LORELAI: Oh, that one.

RORY: Yeah.

(Babette comes running up on the porch.)

BABETTE: Hey! Cinnamon is stuck under the front porch again. Can I borrow some vegetable oil and a shoehorn?

RORY: I'll get it. (leaves)

BABETTE: I'm callin' him and I'm callin' him and I go around the porch and this big orange tush is just starin' me in the face.

LORELAI: I hate when that happens.

BABETTE: Yeah. He must've been meowin' for an hour but Morey was playing some Thelonious on the Steinway and when Morey plays I go into this trance where all I can see is blue and moon and stars --

(They hear a loud angry meow.)

MOREY: He's out Babs!

BABETTE: Oh! Never mind, Sugar. (calls to Morey) Play me home, baby!

(Piano music starts. Babette gets up to go home.)


BABETTE: Oh God! It's killing me!

(Rory comes back out with vegetable oil.)

RORY: Babette didn't take her oil.

LORELAI: Oh, keep it. Christmas is early this year. So you know what I was thinking?

RORY: That Madonna and Sean Penn should get remarried?

LORELAI: Besides that. I was thinking that your golfing expedition should totally count as a dinner.

RORY: What do you mean?

LORELAI: I mean I think I can get us out of dinner at the grandparents' on Friday. Maybe we could grab a movie.

RORY: Oh, well, that's OK.

LORELAI: It's no big deal, really.

RORY: No. It's just gonna get Grandma all freaked out.

LORELAI: Yeah but I can handle those freakouts. I've done that.

RORY: You know, I have to get the book from Grandpa anyway. Let's just go.

LORELAI: Oh. All right. If you really want to.

RORY: I do.

LORELAI: OK, fine. Is that my sweater?

RORY: What?

LORELAI: You're wearing my sweater.


LORELAI: No, it's OK. It's just I thought I asked you to at least ask, you know, before you borrow my stuff.

RORY: I'm sorry.

LORELAI: It's OK. It's just not too much for a simple "Can I borrow...

Activity 3.

Listening Comprehension. 

A. Talk about the following expressions, what do they mean?

1.  BABETTE: Yeah. He must've been meowin' for an hour but Morey was playing some Thelonious on the Steinway and when Morey plays I go into this trance where all I can see is blue and moon and stars --
2. BABETTE: Oh God! It's killing me!
3. RORY: No. It's just gonna get Grandma all freaked out.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Who is Babette and what does she want from Lorelai?
2. What book is Rory interested in?
3. Why is Lorelai uncomfortable about the seemingly good relationship between Rory and her grandparents?
