Activity 1.

Do this before the class. Watch the video.

Activity 2.

Oral Reading. Practice the script with your teacher.

RICHARD: I think she's taken to it quite well.

MAN #1: Yeah, well, just as long as isn't taken with a certain golf cart.

MAN #2: I'm writing a letter to the board.

MAN #1: I wish you would. If they would take --

(The men go back to their golf cart discussion. Cut to the women's steam room. Rory listens to the gossip.)

WOMAN #1: And you know she took the house.

WOMAN #2: She deserved it -- putting up with that tramp all those years.

WOMAN #1: Last year, Christmas, he bough them both the same bracelet.

WOMAN #2: She should have just shot him like his first wife did.

WOMAN #1: Oh I love Janie. Is she out yet?

(Gloria enters.)

GLORIA: Nanette, Peg.

WOMAN #1: Gloria, hi. Good game?

GLORIA: Not bad, you?

WOMAN #1: Oh, I just came for the steam. We must get together and play sometime soon.

GLORIA: Next week?

WOMAN #1: I'll call you.

(Gloria moves to a different area.)

WOMAN #1: (whispering) The most odious woman alive.

(Cut to the inn. The staff is still decorating for the wedding.)

LORELAI: OK, I need more tulle here. I need the feeling of a major tutu, OK? Oh, uh, hey, Gary, Gary! The ribbons go on the chairs, OK, not on the trees. Oh, great!

(Lorelai hears swans and goes down to meet the truck.)


SWAN GUY: Where do you want the swans?

LORELAI: Well do you know where the pond is?


LORELAI: You know that little road you came up?


LORELAI: OK. Do you know how to say 'big help' in Chinese?


LORELAI: Michel! (to Swan Guy) This is twenty swans?

SWAN GUY: Sure. Why not?

MICHEL: You screeched?

LORELAI: Yeah. I need you to show this guy where to put the swans.

MICHEL: Absolutely not.

LORELAI: Well I can't leave, OK? I've got a major tulle festival going on out here.

MICHEL: I will never go near those filthy birds.


MICHEL: I hate the swans.

LORELAI: These particular swans?

MICHEL: No, all swans. I was attacked by a band of swans in the Luxembourg Gardens when I was a boy. No one forgets that.

LORELAI: (laughing) Oh no -- not being attacked by a band of swans. Was it an all-boy band? Kind of a scary, feathery 'N Sync...

Activity 3.

Listening Comprehension. 

A. Talk about the following expressions, what do they mean?

1.WOMAN #2: She deserved it -- putting up with that tramp all those years.
2.WOMAN #1: (whispering) The most odious woman alive.
3.LORELAI: OK, I need more tulle here. I need the feeling of a major tutu, OK?
4.MICHEL: I will never go near those filthy birds.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What were the gossips among the women in the sauna?
2.What do the women in the sauna think about Gloria? 
3.What's going on with Lorelai?
4.Why isn't Michel interested in helping?
