Activity 1.

Do this before the class. Watch the video.

Activity 2.

Oral Reading. Practice the script with your teacher.

MRS. SHALES: ...children?

LORELAI: A daughter.

MRS. SHALES: Do you hate her?


MRS. SHALES: Not ever?

LORELAI: Well I wasn't wildly fond of her during labor.

MRS. SHALES: That was the high point for me.

(Cut to Rory and Richard walking on the golf course.)

RORY: I can't believe I hit the ball!

RICHARD: Well it was quite impressive.

RORY: It landed in the water.

RICHARD: Yes, but the splash was quite impressive.

RORY: This place is so beautiful. I could see just coming here to think or read. But that probably defeats the purpose of the holes with the flag thing.

RICHARD: There is something rather serene about walking around here.

RORY: Do you come here every week?

RICHARD: No. When I can. I'm often working on the weekends.

RORY: Bummer.

RICHARD: Isn't it.

(Men in a golf cart pass by.)

MAN: Hi Richard.


RORY: Can I ask you a question?

RICHARD: Go ahead.

RORY: What do you do?

RICHARD: I'm the executive vice-president of the Gehrman-Driscoll Insurance Corporation.

RORY: Wow.


RORY: And as executive vice-president, what do you do?

RICHARD: Well, it's a very big company -- one of the largest in the United States as a matter of fact -- I have a myriad of duties which would bore you greatly to hear about.


RICHARD: I oversee our international division.

RORY: That sounds important.

RICHARD: Well, it rates a parking spot.

RORY: Do you get to travel a lot?

RICHARD: Quite a bit.

RORY: Lucky.

RICHARD: I suspect you have a yen for travelling.

RORY: I'm up to my ears in yens.

RICHARD: Any particular place you'd like to go?

RORY: Hundreds of places. Paris, Rome, London, Prague, Istanbul, Fez -- Have you ever been to Fez?

RICHARD: I can't say that I have.

RORY: I want to go to Fez.

RICHARD: I think travelling for a young girl is a very important thing. Your mother never got a chance to travel much.

RORY: I know. She talks about that all the time.

RICHARD: She does?

RORY: We've got a deal. When I graduate from high school we're going to go backpacking through Europe together. You know, do the whole hostel thing

Activity 3.

Listening Comprehension. 

A. Talk about the following expressions, what do they mean?

1. LORELAI: Well I wasn't wildly fond of her during labor.
2. MRS. SHALES: That was the high point for me.
3. RORY: This place is so beautiful. I could see just coming here to think or read. But that probably defeats the purpose of the holes with the flag thing.
4. RORY: Bummer.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What did Lorelai and Mrs. Shales talk about?
2. How's Rory and Richard? What did they talk about?
