Activity 1.

Do this before the class. Watch the video.

Activity 2.

Oral Reading. Practice the script with your teacher.

LORELAI: ...some coffee.

RORY: Why, I'm shocked.

LORELAI: Triple caps, easy foam.

RORY: Wow.

LORELAI: And if that doesn't work, we'll stick our fingers in a light socket. Come here. [picks up Rory's backpack and staggers under the weight] Wow. What, do they expect you to get smart all in one day?

RORY: Oh, they expect a lot of things.

LORELAI: Well, so tell me.

[they get into the Jeep]

RORY: I don't know. It was just one big, long, scary, tweedy, bad eight hours.

LORELAI: Add some hair spray, and you've got my day.

RORY: One of the girls already hates me, the guys are weird.

LORELAI: Weirder than other guys?

RORY: Yeah, they kept calling me Mary.

LORELAI: You're kidding me. Wow, I can't believe they still say that.

RORY: Why? What does it mean?

LORELAI: Mary, like Virgin Mary. It means they think you look like a goody-goody.

RORY: You're kidding.


RORY: Well, what would they have called me if they thought I looked like a slut?

LORELAI: Well, they might have added a Magdalene to it.

RORY: Wow, biblical insults. This is an advanced school.

[It's nighttime. Lorelai, Rory, and Lane are walking down the sidewalk eating slices of pizza.]

LANE: It was so weird not having you in school today. I mean, I finally noticed some of the other kids, and let me just say, they are a sad lot.

RORY: Yeah, well, add a couple of plaid skirts, and you've got the Chilton freaks.

LANE: I totally miss you.

RORY: I miss you.

LORELAI: Hey guys, I have an idea. What about, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you know, when I go into Hartford for my business class, what if Lane comes along, and you guys can shop and study and join a cult and shave your heads.

LANE: Really?

LORELAI: All except the shaving your heads part.

LANE: Oh, no. What time is it?

RORY: 6:30

LANE: I'm late for dinner.

LORELAI: Again? Lane, your mother is gonna kill me if I keep sending you home fed and happy.

LANE: I'm sorry, but she found a web site that sells Tofu in bulk.

LORELAI: Oh, you're kidding, right?

LANE: Yesterday, she went out and bought a bigger fridge.

LORELAI: Boy, now, your life is scary.

LANE: [to Rory] Can I have your crust?

RORY: [hands her the pizza crust] It's the least I can do.

LANE: Thanks. Bye.

RORY: Bye.


Activity 3.

Listening Comprehension. 

A. Talk about the following expressions, what do they mean?

1. RORY: Yeah, they kept calling me Mary.
2. LORELAI: Mary, like Virgin Mary. It means they think you look like a goody-goody.
3. RORY: Wow, biblical insults. This is an advanced school.
4. LORELAI: Hey guys, I have an idea. What about, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you know, when I go into Hartford for my business class, what if Lane comes along, and you guys can shop and study and join a cult and shave your heads.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What happened after Lorelai picked up Rory from school?
2. Rory and Lorelai talked about some insults that Rory received that day. Talk about them.
3. What did Lane and Rory talk about?
4. What did Lorelai suggest to Rory and Lane so they can spend some time together?
