Activity 1.

Do this before the class. Watch the video.

Activity 2.

Oral Reading. Practice the script with your teacher.

EMILY: ...word for Rory.

LORELAI: Well, she didn't need a good word.

EMILY: I'm not allowed here, is that it?

LORELAI: I didn't say that.

EMILY: I'm allowed to pay for it, but I can't actually set foot on the premises. I just want to get the rules straight.

LORELAI: Oh boy.

EMILY: How about the street? Can I drive down the street?

LORELAI: Forget it.

EMILY: Maybe I should just avoid this neighborhood altogether. Though my doctor's just down the block. Maybe I can get special permission if I'm bleeding from the head.

LORELAI: I'm sorry. I was just surprised to see you here.

EMILY: I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them.

LORELAI: A very good thought.

EMILY: And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing.

LORELAI: And on that note, I have to get to work. I'll see you later.

EMILY: Dinner, Friday night. No spurs, please.

[Lorelai groans and thrusts out her arms in annoyance as she walks to the Jeep.]

[The headmaster and Rory are sitting in his office. He is looking through her transcript folder.]

HEADMASTER: You're obviously a bright girl, Miss. Gilmore.

RORY: Thank you.

HEADMASTER: Good grades, the teachers like you. Not a lot of social activities, though.

RORY: Oh, well, just living in Stars Hollow is kind of a social activity, actually.

HEADMASTER: Nothing in your school appealed to you?

RORY: I work at my mother's inn after school sometimes. And I was in the German Club for a while, but there were only three of us, and then two left for the French Club after seeing Schindler's List, so. . .

HEADMASTER: What are your aspirations?

RORY: I want to go to Harvard and study Journalism and Political Science.

HEADMASTER: On your way to being. . .

RORY: Christiane Amanpour.


RORY: Yes.

HEADMASTER: Not Cokie Roberts?


HEADMASTER: Not Oprah, Rosie, or one of the women from The View?


HEADMASTER: Why do you wish to be Christiane Amanpour?

RORY: Well, I don't wish to be her, exactly. I just want to do what she does.


RORY: Travel, uh, see the world up close, report on what's really going on, be apart of something big.

HEADMASTER: And to be part of something big you have to be on TV? Why not lead the police on a high-speed chase? That's a quicker way to achieve this goal.

RORY: Being on TV has nothing to do with it. Maybe I'll be a journalist and write books or articles about what I see. I just want to be sure that I see. . .something. 

Activity 3.

Listening Comprehension. 

A. Talk about the following expressions, what do they mean?

1. EMILY: I'm allowed to pay for it, but I can't actually set foot on the premises. I just want to get the rules straight.

2. EMILY: I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them.

3. EMILY: And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing.

4. EMILY: Dinner, Friday night. No spurs, please.

5. RORY: Oh, well, just living in Stars Hollow is kind of a social activity, actually.

6. HEADMASTER: And to be part of something big you have to be on TV? Why not lead the police on a high-speed chase? That's a quicker way to achieve this goal.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is Emily so upset?

2. What did Emily remind Lorelai towards the end of their conversation?

3. What is the impression of the headmaster on Rory?

4. Why does Rory like to be like Christiane Amanpour?

5. What does the headmaster think of TV journalists?
