Activity 1.

Do this before the class. Watch the video.

Activity 2.

Oral Reading. Practice the script with your teacher.

EMILY: ...chance to make sure that Hanlin here takes good care of Rory.

LORELAI: [to Headmaster] You're Hanlin.

HEADMASTER: Hanlin Charleston.

EMILY: Hanlin's wife and I are on the symphony fundraising committee together.

LORELAI: Wow, that's great.

HEADMASTER: Your father and I are golf rivals. We're still fighting it out to see which one is worse.

EMILY: Oh, yes. We're all old friends.

LORELAI: Well, there's nothing like friends. Especially if they're old. . .ones.

HEADMASTER: Well, would you like to take off your coat and have a seat?

LORELAI: Oh, no. No, I'm fine.

HEADMASTER: I'm afraid they were a little overzealous with the furnace this morning. It's quite warm in here.

LORELAI: I like it warm.

EMILY: Lorelai, take off your coat and sit down. You don't want Hanlin to think you're rude.

[Lorelai reluctantly takes off her coat. She gives an embarrassed smile about her outfit]

LORELAI: Laundry day.

EMILY: Hanlin, did you know that Rory has a 4.0 grade average?

LORELAI: I'm sure he does, Mom.

EMILY: This is a very special girl. You take good care of her.

HEADMASTER: We'll do our best, Emily.

LORELAI: Oh, God. Rory is not gonna be a problem. She's totally low maintenance, you know, like a Honda. You know, they're just easy, just. . . nice office.

EMILY: Well, I don't think we should take up anymore of your precious time. Hanlin, it was lovely to see you. Give Bitty our love.

HEADMASTER: Tell Richard I'll see him at the club Sunday.

EMILY: Have a wonderful day, Rory. I want to hear all about it. [to Lorelai] Do you need a ride or is your horse parked outside?

LORELAI: [to headmaster] It's so nice to meet you. [to Rory] Have a great day. [she kisses Rory's forehead, then starts to leave]

HEADMASTER: Oh, you don't want to forget your coat.

LORELAI: [turns back] Oh, no, 'cause that would be embarrassing.

[She retrieves the coat, then walks out of the office.]

[Lorelai and Emily are walking down the hall.]

EMILY: How do you leave the house looking like that?

LORELAI: It was not planned, believe me.

EMILY: And on Rory's first day of school. What kind of an impression did you think you were gonna make?

LORELAI: [sighs] What are you doing here, Mother?

EMILY: I told you, I came to put in a good word ...

Activity 3.

Listening Comprehension. 

A. Talk about the following lines, what do they mean?

1. HEADMASTER: Your father and I are golf rivals. We're still fighting it out to see which one is worse.

2. LORELAI: Well, there's nothing like friends. Especially if they're old. . .ones.

3. HEADMASTER: I'm afraid they were a little overzealous with the furnace this morning. It's quite warm in here.

4. LORELAI: Oh, God. Rory is not gonna be a problem. She's totally low maintenance, you know, like a Honda. You know, they're just easy, just. . . nice office.

5. EMILY: Have a wonderful day, Rory. I want to hear all about it. [to Lorelai] Do you need a ride or is your horse parked outside?

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is Emily at the headmaster's office?

2. Why doesn't Lorelai like to take off her coat?

3. What did Emily tell the headmaster about Rory?

4. How do Lorelai feel about Emily's presence at the headmaster's office?
